Terms and Conditions

Survey PRAEG is a market research panel run by TRP Research Ltd on behalf of MG ALBA in order to provide insight into how different Media is consumed amongst the Gaelic speaker/learner population in Scotland.  Reporting is sent to both MG ALBA and the BBC.

Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully.

The Terms and Conditions should be read with the Privacy Notice which gives details on how we collect, store, use, share and protect your personal data and the Cookie Notice.  By joining Survey PRAEG you agree to these Terms and Conditions and confirm that you have read, understood and agree to the Privacy Notice and Cookie Notice.  If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy and Cookie Notices, do not sign up for Survey PRAEG.

We reserve the right to amend these Terms and Conditions and/or the Privacy and Cookie Notices at any time.  If we do this we will send you an email to let you know.  If you do not agree to any of the changes that we make you must unsubscribe from Survey PRAEG (please see the section titled “Leaving Survey PRAEG”).  Otherwise we will assume that you have accepted and agree to the changes made.

By signing up for Survey PRAEG you agree to receive surveys by email.  You may take part in as many or as few surveys as you want.

1. Signing up for Survey PRAEG

There is no charge for taking part in Survey PRAEG.  Any personal data that you provide will only be used as described in our Privacy and Cookie Notices and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

To be accepted as a member of Survey PRAEG you must:

  • Have only one account (multiple sign ups will not be accepted).
  • Sign up as yourself and not pretend to be any other person.
  • Be an individual – not a corporation or any other type of entity.
  • Complete the sign up form honestly and accurately ensuring that all information requested is complete.
  • Provide a valid email address. This needs to be unique to you and cannot be shared with another member of Survey PRAEG.
  • Be living in Scotland and provide a residential address.
  • Be 16 years old or over.
  • Speak Gaelic or be learning Gaelic.
  • NOT work for MG ALBA, the BBC or TRP Research.

It is important that you check your details carefully when signing up for Survey PRAEG.  Don’t forget to add praeg@surveypraeg.com to your address book to ensure that you don’t miss out on any surveys.  We cannot be held responsible for you not receiving our surveys.

We monitor all member sign ups and survey records as part of our quality checks.  If we find out / suspect that you have signed up for Survey PRAEG multiple times we reserve the right to immediately remove one or all of the accounts without notice and to refuse any future sign ups from you.  If you are removed you will lose any credits you have left in your account and you will no longer be sent surveys, receive credits or get any rewards that are due.

2. Updating personal data

You are responsible for making sure that your personal data including your contact details are accurate and up to date.  Your contact details will be used to send you surveys, rewards and to communicate with you about Survey PRAEG.  We may end your membership with Survey PRAEG without notice if you fail to keep your personal data accurate and up to date.  If this happens you will lose any credits you have left in your account and you will no longer be sent surveys, receive credits or get any rewards that are due.

We cannot be held responsible for lost vouchers that were sent to an old address because your address was not updated.  Please email praeg@surveypraeg.com to let us know about any changes to your contact details.

3. Receiving credits and rewards

You will receive credits towards your chosen reward for every survey you complete.  Each credit that you earn will be automatically added to your account.  Credits are not transferable between accounts, have no cash value and can only be used to pay out your chosen reward.  Once you have been sent your reward it cannot be returned or exchanged.  You will be rewarded for taking part in our surveys with shopping vouchers, charity donations or you can raise money for a community group.

All rewards will be managed by TRP Research.  You should email praeg@surveypraeg.com to request a change of reward.  We will continue to send you rewards as long as you remain a member of Survey PRAEG.  Each survey is worth 1 credit, which is equivalent to £1 unless otherwise stated.  Our surveys are varied lengths and may not include the same questions in each survey.

For more about the rewards we offer please visit www.surveypraeg.com/reward/.  Rewards are subject to change at any time.

  • If your reward choice is a shopping voucher you will be automatically emailed your £5 voucher once you have reached 5 credits.
  • If your reward choice is a charity donation we will automatically pay £5 to your chosen charity and notify you of the payment once you have reached 5 credits.
  • If your reward choice is a community group we will automatically pay £50 into the group’s nominated bank account once the group has reached 50 credits, unless an alternative agreement has been made with your group.  This payment will usually occur within a couple of weeks after the group has reached the payment threshold, where we have the group’s bank account details.  This gives us time to process any credits that are due and pay into the groups account.  We will send you and other members of the group an email once the group has been paid.

4. Community groups 

In order to raise money for a community group through taking our surveys you will need to name the group when prompted in the sign up form.  A community group could include sports teams, choirs, societies, community volunteer groups etc.  We reserve the right to decline specific groups entry onto Survey PRAEG for any reason including dishonesty and groups that do not exist.  If your group has not been accepted on to Survey PRAEG for any reason we will let you know.

Each individual community group needs to have between 3 and 20 members to qualify for the scheme.  If you chose a community group when you signed up but haven’t been able to get the 3 members needed to qualify, we may contact you to see if a recruiter can visit to encourage more sign ups or ask you to change to a different reward.  If your group reaches 20 members, the maximum group size allowed, we reserve the right to refuse any further sign ups to your group without notice.

Once your group has reached its first payment we will ask for the group’s bank account details so we can pay into the account.  If your group has not been paid before we will verify your group before we agree to set up any payments.  See section 3 for more details on paying out rewards.

5. Referring friends 

Current members can refer their friends to Survey PRAEG by completing the refer a friend form when we are looking for more members.  You must be a current member of Survey PRAEG to be able to refer friends and receive rewards.  In addition the friend must meet any extra criteria stated in the refer a friend emails / surveys to qualify for the scheme and receive the reward.

You must provide your friend’s name and email address / phone number so that we can invite them to join Survey PRAEG – make sure you check their details carefully.  We will only send the invite to your friend if they have never been a member of Survey PRAEG.  We will not invite your friend to join Survey PRAEG if we are missing any details in the refer a friend form.

Where needed we will also ask for your name and email address as part of the refer a friend survey so that we can link the referral back to you and reward you with the extra referral credits / reward.  If the details you provide do not match our records we will not be able to invite your friend.

Your name will also be included when we invite your friend to join Survey PRAEG.  We may limit the number of friends you can refer at one time and we will only send each friend a maximum of two invites.  It is their choice whether or not they want to sign up for Survey PRAEG.

In order to receive the refer a friend credits / reward your friend needs to sign up for Survey PRAEG (see section 1) and you and your friend need to meet the criteria set out in the specific refer a friend email / survey.  The criteria may not always be the same so please make sure you read the details carefully to make sure you know what you need to do in order to get the refer a friend credits / reward.  Rewards will be given once the details have been checked and no later than one month after the criteria have been met as long as you are both still members of Survey PRAEG.  In addition, your friend must:

  • Have never been a member of Survey PRAEG in the past.
  • Use the referral link included in the email to sign up for Survey PRAEG.

You should only refer your friends if they are happy for you to give us their contact details so we can invite them to join Survey PRAEG.  If we receive a complaint from your friend as a result of us inviting them to join Survey PRAEG we may end your membership with Survey PRAEG (see section 14).

6. Prize draws

We may run free prize draws from time to time.  These prize draws will be subject to additional Terms and Conditions that will be put up on the Survey PRAEG website when the prize draw starts.

7. Filling in surveys 

We use technology to send your surveys and open / close them.  We may set quotas in our surveys to make sure that they represent the Gaelic speaker/learner population of Scotland.  Once these quotas are met you will not be able to take part in the survey.

When filling in our surveys make sure that you are not rushed and have time to complete the surveys properly.  You are responsible for filling in your surveys honestly and accurately.  If we have reasonable grounds to suspect that the data you provide is untrue, inaccurate or that you are not filling in our surveys properly we may end your membership with Survey PRAEG without notice.  If this happens you will lose any credits you have left in your account and you will no longer be sent surveys, receive credits or get any rewards that are due.  This may include but is not limited to the following:

  • Responses that do not make sense.
  • Responses that are inconsistent with other information provided.
  • Not answering all the required questions in the survey.
  • Speeding through the survey too quickly and not answering the questions properly.
  • Inappropriate or abusive answers to questions.  This may include anything TRP Research Ltd deems prejudiced towards specific groups of people (including, but not limited to, racism, homophobia, and sexism).
  • Pretending to be another member or filling in a survey addressed to another member.
  • Assisting other members on how to answer their survey.

8. Confidentiality

The surveys we send you may disclose confidential, sensitive or trade secret information relating to MG ALBA, BBC and their partners.  This might include ideas about new television or radio shows and advertising among other things.  The content you see in our surveys remain the absolute property of MG ALBA, BBC and their partners and must not be shared with any other person.  In addition, you must not copy, print or store this information and must only use it for the sole purpose of completing the survey.  If you fail to do this we will end your membership with Survey PRAEG without notice and you will lose any credits you have left in your account and you will no longer be sent surveys, receive credits or get any rewards that are due.

For any damages caused by a data breach you commit you may be liable for monetary damages to both Survey PRAEG and / or MG ALBA, BBC and their partners.

9. Advertising 

You must not make false or misleading statements when advertising or talking about Survey PRAEG in person, on social media, in articles or in any other place.  As a member of Survey PRAEG you are responsible for making sure that any information you publish about Survey PRAEG is accurate and up to date.  If you fail to do this we may end your membership with Survey PRAEG without notice and you will lose any credits you have left in your account and you will no longer be sent surveys, receive credits or get any rewards that are due.

10. Links to other websites 

Any links to external websites provided by third parties such as the charities we work with are provided for your information only.  We accept no responsibility for these websites and have no control over their content.  These websites will have their own Terms and Conditions / Privacy Notices / Cookie Notices and you use these websites at your own risk.

11. Inactivity

Your account may be set to inactive for any of the following reasons:

  • If we get a bounceback message when we send an email or survey to you. If we are unable to contact you through any other means, e.g. phone call you will be removed from Survey PRAEG and will not receive any surveys or emails from us.  Therefore, it is important that you check your details carefully when signing up for Survey PRAEG.  Your details will be kept on our records, so we don’t try and contact you again.
  • If you have never completed a survey or have not completed a survey for a while. If you fall into one of these groups you may receive an email, text or phone call asking if you want to remain a member of Survey PRAEG.  If you don’t respond to this email/text/phone call or complete a survey you will be unsubscribed from Survey PRAEG (see “Leaving Survey PRAEG” section below).

If your account is set to inactive you will no longer be sent surveys, receive credits or get any rewards that are due.  If you change your mind and would like to be a part of Survey PRAEG again you will need to re-sign up.  If you do this we will not be able to transfer any credits from your previous account and your credit balance will start at zero.

12. Oversubscribed groups

We are always looking at the demographic make up of Survey PRAEG to make sure that it continues to represent the Gaelic speaker/learner population of Scotland.  From time to time it may be necessary to rebalance Survey PRAEG, for example if we are getting lots of responses from a certain demographic group.

If this happens we may need to close your membership / your community group.  We will always get in contact with you to let you know in advance and will let you know the reason for the closure along with the date this will happen.  Once we have ended your membership with Survey PRAEG you will no longer be sent surveys, receive credits or get any rewards that are due. 

13. Leaving Survey PRAEG

You can leave Survey PRAEG at any time by emailing praeg@surveypraeg.com.  Requests to unsubscribe will be completed within 7 days and once actioned you will not be contacted again.  We will keep a record of your personal information for the purpose of preventing fraud and to make sure that you are not contacted again (e.g. via a friend referral).  All data will be protected and stored as per our Privacy Notice.

If you unsubscribe you will lose any credits you have left in your account and you will no longer be sent surveys, receive credits or get any rewards that are due.

14. Removal from Survey PRAEG

Your membership with Survey PRAEG may be ended without notice if you fail to follow these Terms and Conditions.  If this happens you will lose any credits you have left in your account and you will no longer be sent surveys, receive credits or get any rewards that are due.

If you no longer meet the criteria for being a member of Survey PRAEG as defined in section 1 “Signing up for Survey PRAEG” then you can no longer take part in our research and we will need to remove you from Survey PRAEG.

We keep our Terms and Conditions under regular review; they were last updated on 25/07/2024.