Month: March 2018
Sgeama Buidheann coimhearsnachd
Tha sinne aig Survey PRAEG airson beagan cuideachadh a thoirt dhan na coimhearsnachdan gàidhlig againn. Mu tha thu ann an còmhlan pìoba, còisir, club spòrs no a sàs ann an buidheann sam bith carson nach gabh sibh pàirt ann an sgeama buidhean coimhearsnachd a th’againn.
Community Scheme
We at Survey PRAEG would like to give a helping hand to our Gaelic communities. If you’re part of a pipe band, choir, sports club or any other kind of group why not take advantage of our community group scheme.
March Prize Draw
We recently sent our members a short survey to make sure that all of the details that we hold were still correct.